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Fucking Horrible Soup.

23 replies

PreMadonna · 11/11/2014 17:47

I melted my whizzer so it's like lumpybits of vegetables. In juice.

I want bread. And cheese. And cake.

Fucking Horrible Soup.
OP posts:
PreMadonna · 11/11/2014 17:51

I know, in the grand scheme of things, that my soup issue is a minor one but really, it is so nasty I want to weep.

OP posts:
LoonvanBoon · 11/11/2014 17:55

It looks a lot nicer than the soup DS brought home after school cookery last week - bits of raw potato & carrot floating around in tomatoey water. Had to simmer for loads longer, add pulses to bulk out the solids & blend before it was edible. It still didn't taste of anything.

PreMadonna · 11/11/2014 17:56

I meed cake. And cheese.

OP posts:
Timeforabiscuit · 11/11/2014 17:58

Put the soup down the toilet

Drive to shop and get lovely fresh bread, nice cheese and cake

Life is to fucking short for bad soup!!

LoonvanBoon · 11/11/2014 17:58

How does it taste, though? I bet it would be okay with some good bread & butter.

ratspeaker · 11/11/2014 18:10

You on a diet OP?
Low fat perhaps?

ChippingInAutumnLover · 11/11/2014 18:14

LOL it took me a few minutes to work out that you hadn't actually melted your blender IN your soup!

Put it in the fridge, buy a cheap as stick blender tomorrow and have something else tonight!

Jolleigh · 11/11/2014 18:18

PP is definitely is too short for shite soup. Go get yourself a rotisserie chicken from the deli counter and some cake for after.

OOAOML · 11/11/2014 18:21

I once made a Delia Smith sprout soup recipe. It was rank. I think we had toast instead.

My son is veg-phobic (ASD) but will eat blended soups so we have a lot of soup. Sometimes I really want chips instead.

MisForMumNotMaid · 11/11/2014 18:26

Potato masher to mash it up a bit more?

If you're cutting back (low fat?) why not fridge it for future blending and have something that will satisfy your appetite tonight?

RinseyMinceySpider · 11/11/2014 18:43

I melted my whizzer once... never been the same since.

foreverondiet · 11/11/2014 18:50

Add some passatta (or even water and a stock cube) and blend in liquidiser for 2 minutes.

FoolishFay · 11/11/2014 18:52

I made soup today - it was lush. Chicken, veg, tarragon and cider. Just having a bowl now. HTH.

MrsHarryRamsden · 11/11/2014 18:57

Push it through a sieve with the back of a soup ladle and add some more stock if needed? Bad soup is so depressing, I am good at adding an extra ingredient on a whim and turning nice soup into pints of indelible cack...

Matildathecat · 11/11/2014 19:02

Until you've been on the Cabbage Soup diet you've never had bad soup.Grin. A week of rank, fart inducing, vomit making misery. If you stuck to the diet there would be no question of failure since it was too evil to eat.

That was about twenty years ago and I can still smell that foul concoction.Shock

OP throw it away and go and buy nice food Smile

PreMadonna · 11/11/2014 19:07

Fat coeliac. Sad

I cracked and went and bought cheese and cake.

Even fatter now.

OP posts:
PreMadonna · 11/11/2014 19:09

I'd kill for a french stick and slab of butter and brie.

OP posts:
CountBapula · 11/11/2014 19:11

When I was growing up, 'whizzer' was the word my family used for fanjo Blush

So your OP made me do a bit of a double take...

WerewolfBarMitzvah · 11/11/2014 19:13

My old boss used to pride herself on her soup. So she brought me some in.
It was incredibly salty and the veg had been blitzed before cooking. It was like eating diarrhoea.
I had to do all the yummy noises while she was sat opposite me.
Eat the cheese and cake. Tomorrow is another (bad soup free) day.

PreMadonna · 11/11/2014 19:13
OP posts:
DrinkFeckArseGirls · 11/11/2014 19:15

I made a nasty soup too Sad. one beetroot, 2 sweet potatoes and carrots. thought DD would like it. Not.

ithoughtofitfirst · 11/11/2014 19:19


Bin it. Get a bag of minstrels.


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HappyAgainOneDay · 11/11/2014 19:21

I once made a nice soup from a cold roast pork joint. Froze it and got it out a few weeks later when we had a dinner party. Cooked it, tasted it and put it down the sink drain. It was disgusting. My late DH had to go out to buy 4 tins of Heinz tomato soup and we served that. Lots of compliments but I was in a position where I could not say that it was tinned soup .....

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