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DH thinks this soup looks disgusting

179 replies

Lentilsoupdrama · 22/04/2020 11:25

I made this soup yesterday for lunch, and DH thought it looked 'disgusting' Hmm. It's just lentils, onion, mixed frozen veg. I having it for lunch again, the kids liked dipping bread in it. It tasted really nice Grin

DH thinks this soup looks disgusting
OP posts:
JohnLapsleyParlabane · 22/04/2020 11:27

I think it looks fine. I might find it hard to eat such big pieces of veg though

WhyCantIThinkOfAGoodOne · 22/04/2020 11:28

WEll it's not the most inviting colour but yummy soups often aren't. I made a curry the other day - tasted delicious, looked like cow pat!

formerbabe · 22/04/2020 11:28

Sorry i think it looks vile...sorry

Ihopeyourcakeisshit · 22/04/2020 11:28

Well in all fairness it doesn't look particularly appetizing, although I'm sure it's lovely.
A bit of diplomacy might not have gone amis however.

lidoshuffle · 22/04/2020 11:29

I'd prefer it if it were blitzed down a bit, so fewer big lumps in thin liquid...

MartyrGuacamole · 22/04/2020 11:29

It sounds pretty childish of your dh tbh. If I don't fancy something then I say that, not be rude to the person who made it.

Lynda07 · 22/04/2020 11:29

I think it looks quite nice.

MinorArcana · 22/04/2020 11:30

I don’t think it looks very appetising, but if it tastes good, that’s the main thing!

Toilenstripes · 22/04/2020 11:30

It’s a bit green but I’m sure it was nice! 😬

Windyatthebeach · 22/04/2020 11:30

Ds made soup a few weeks ago.
We all ate it! Just left over veg.
Put a bit of cooked chicken in and a dumpling!

DH thinks this soup looks disgusting
Blackandgreenteas · 22/04/2020 11:31

Well not everyone likes the same thing, but if he didn’t fancy it he should have been more diplomatic! “Disgusting” is a very childish.

He can make his own food if he doesn’t like it.

BlackeyedSusan · 22/04/2020 11:31

ds is particularly fond of a curry from a tin that looks like baby poo yellow. delicious though.

sod that, tell him it is disgusting and he won't like it and he can't have any... all the more for you then.

Boireannachlaidir · 22/04/2020 11:31

Your DH sounds about 5yo. The things that taste nicest can often not photograph well . Sounds very healthy too!

ANoiseAnnoys · 22/04/2020 11:31

I think it looks nice and healthy - that big lump of broccoli would probably get left in the bowl though!

raspberryk · 22/04/2020 11:31

Well he's not wrong, it both looks and sounds revolting I'm afraid.

Lentilsoupdrama · 22/04/2020 11:32

I know it's not the most inviting colour, but it's red lentils and it's all the spices that's darken it a bit. But it tastes really nice, the veg are big but very mushy.

OP posts:
gamerchick · 22/04/2020 11:33

Its fine. I don't care about the first bite with the eye thing.

I don't like big chunks of veg though in soup so would have taken a tattie masher to it Grin

FortunesFave · 22/04/2020 11:33

Well mushy veg in soup isn't a good thing OP. Grin

formerbabe · 22/04/2020 11:34

the veg are big but very mushy

You're not selling it to me...big but mushy...yikes

It would probably look and taste nicer if you blitzed it down and sprinkled it with croutons, crispy bacon lardons and some grated parmesan/cheddar.

ZaraW · 22/04/2020 11:35

It's a no from me. It doesn't look appealing
I love Dahl though.

tupperwaretowers · 22/04/2020 11:35

Bet it’s lovely, I probably would blitz it up so it’s less lumpy.

tiredanddangerous · 22/04/2020 11:35

Soup often doesn’t look great does it? If it tastes nice though, it’s fine!


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Gingerkittykat · 22/04/2020 11:35

Ugh, that lump of soggy broccoli looks especially disgusting.

It might look better if blended.

P1nkHeartLovesCake · 22/04/2020 11:35

It doesn’t look very appealing tbh, I’m with your DH on this one sorry.

Mixed frozen veg should never be put in to lovely soup, never I tell you! Either make soup properly or don’t bother

Intothefuture · 22/04/2020 11:36

I don’t think it looks very nice. I wouldn’t eat it but might if it was blended.

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