Vintage Star Wars Sarlacc Pit

I’ve been diving deep into my old love of Star Wars and gathering up whatever I can get my hands on. My latest scene collection includes recent releases, vintage figures, custom figures and a ton of kinetic sand. Click below and check out my favorite scenes from Return of the Jedi!

I’ll use this wideshot to break it down. Starting at the bottom, the Sarlacc pit is from the Target exclusive Star Wars Legacy Collection‘s Battle at the Sarlacc Pit playset. I purchased just the Sarlacc mouth on eBay as I could not afford the complete mint-in-box playset.
The Desert skiff is the The Vintage Collection skiff, currently available at retail. It’s very detailed, there are several removable panels revealing the inner workings and engine pieces. The paint application is very realistic. All that being said, this skiff still looks really good with vintage Kenner figures. Yes, I’d love to have the original 1984 Power of the Force Tattooine Skiff, but those are also very expensive and rare.
I love using kinetic sand in my toy photoshoots. It looks like sand, but it cleans up very easily since it sticks to itself. You can also make footprints and tire tracks in it pretty easily. I wasn’t sure if I could make a half funnel of sand, but I thought I’d give it a try. I built a 45° ramp with 3 sides and slowly piled up the sand. It did start to droop a little during the shoot, but I was able to repair it as I went.
This Battle of Carkoon Luke Skywalker is an original custom from CFCB Unlimited. I love the sculpt of Luke’s head. It looks 100% better than the original ROTJ Luke, but it still maintains the vintage Kenner look and feel. The only thing is the paint reacted poorly with my studio lights and his all-black suit looks grey or weathered in a lot of the photos. I love this head sculpt though, and as a collectible, he looks amazing on your shelf.
This photo features a few custom figures. I’m a big fan of the customizers creating figures that Kenner never made, such as RePainted Toys Norwegian film crew. However this photo features two action figures that do exist, but I was unable to afford them so I went with faithful recreations from Stan Solo and ProCustomFigures.
I’ve got a few more customs and big photoshoots coming up, so stay tuned, and follow MillionairePb on Instagram to stay up to date.

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