<cite>Wrath of the Lich King</cite> Alpha Screens Leaked

Despite secrecy measures that rival the Illuminati, a handful of screens from Blizzard’s upcoming World of Warcraft expansion pack, Wrath of the Lich King, have appeared on the ‘net. According to an anonymous source within Blizzard who worked with WoW Insider on verifying the authenticity of these screens, they are indeed the real deal. The […]

Despite secrecy measures that rival the Illuminati, a handful of screens from Blizzard's upcoming World of Warcraft expansion pack, Wrath of the Lich King, have appeared on the 'net.

According to an anonymous source within Blizzard who worked with WoW Insider on verifying the authenticity of these screens, they are indeed the real deal.

The expansion is slated to hit shelves by the end of this year, though based on Blizzard's prior track record of delaying games until they're polished like diamonds, I have my doubts.

Admittedly, the pictures are a bit small, and they were obviously captured via the time-honored method of aiming a camera at a computer monitor, but considering these are really the first gameplay screens we've received from the expansion, I'm willing to forgive our mysterious benefactor.







New WotLK screenshots leaked [WoW Insider]

Images: WoW Insider